Arrive on time
- Be ready to start on time or when the ice is ready as indicated by ice tech
- If you are late, enter game between ends or in an end in progress providing player is able to do it in delivery rotation
Can’t make a game?
- Please arrange for a spare and notify your skip
- When picking a spare, pick someone who plays the same position as you
- Curlers should have clean footwear that will not damage or litter the playing surface
- Food and beverages (except for water bottles) should not be taken onto the playing area
Prior to beginning the game
- Introduce yourself, and wish the opposition “Good Curling”
When waiting to throw your stone
- Take a stationary position to the side of the sheet or on the back board at delivery end
- Remain silent and motionless as not to distract the curler delivering their stone
Be ready
- Curlers should always be ready to deliver or to sweep when it is their turn
Set up the stones
- Leads and seconds set up skip's stones
Do not distract the opposition
- Don’t cross your sheet of ice when the thrower is in the hack ready to throw thier stone
- Be quiet and stand still when opposition is throwing their stone
- Only skips and thirds are allowed to stand in the house area
- They should stand still, well back of the house, and ensure their brooms are held off the ice while the opposition is preparing to deliver
At the end of an end
- Curlers should remain outside the house area until thirds have agreed on the score
- Curlers should be very careful when pushing stones into corners in preparation for the next end
- They should ensure that all players are made aware of any stones being pushed in their direction
At the end of the game
- Acknowledge opposition and say “Good Game”
Social drinks
- Winning team players buy the 1st drink
- Losing team players buy the 2nd drink
Are you unsure of all the rules of the game?
Check out the “Rules of Curling for General Play” found on the The Canadian Curling Association web site.