The Sutton Curling Club officially began in 1943 with the first curling in the Sutton Arena. The Original Curling Club was built in 1950 with 3 sheets of ice and a small club house.
Some important milestones and events:
In 1970 our club house was enlarged, providing an upstairs lounge and a kitchen.
In 1983 the building was rebuilt and a fourth sheet of ice was added.
In 1995 the lounge area was completely renovated and a bar and kitchen were added.
In 2005 the ice making plant was completely replaced and a state of the art dehumidifier was added with the help of The Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Today we have a strong membership and host a number of very successful bonspiels as well as our regular league curling during our October to April season.
Photos showing the building of the original Curling Club in 1950